Sunday 30 January 2011

Thornfield Hall Rumour: Jane left Mr. Rochester

Hello there! Speaking to you is your favourite gossip queen, Gossip Girl.
 While I was sipping my wine and watching the sunset, a friend of mine visited me and told me about this rumour that had been going around for the past couple of days. Our beloved Jane Eyre had, if the rumour is true, left our favourite grump, Mr Rochester. Shocking, isn’t it? So I, as a professional gossiper (read: extremely curious human being), did some research on it and you will not believe what I found out! Therefore, my blog post today will be about my findings in this case.

To start off with, the last months Mr. Rochester and Jane Eyre have been on a lot. Beginning with the arrival of Jane at Thornfield Hall. It appeared she was Adèle’s new governess, hired by Ms. Fairfax. After that, there were rumours that Jane fell in love with Rochester, while he was preparing his marriage with a certain Ms. Ingram. Ms. Ingram left Thornfield Hall and eventually did not marry Mr. Rochester, because he proposed to Jane. That was the story so far and we, the lovely, caring Millcote inhabitants, were very happy for Mr. Rochester. The Thornfield Hall Master had finally found his soulmate!
Sadly that fairytale didn’t last very long. The two didn’t marry, because Jane left Mr. Rochester. But why? I spoke to some persons about it and heard some different theories. Some said Jane left because she was not in love with him and didn’t want to marry. Another theory was that Mr. Rochester cheated on her with Ms. Fairfax. Jane couldn’t deal with it and left Thornfield Hall. Although these theories seem very likely, I could not believe them. I have known Mr. Rochester for a very long time and he could never have proposed to Jane if she was not in love with him and he would never cheat on someone he loves, because he knows what it’s like to be cheated on. Therefore I did further investigation. I found a very reliable source, who told me the exact reason of Jane’s departure, namely Mr. Rochester’s other wife.
Other wife? Yes. Mr. Rochester’s other wife. He had another wife, one that almost no one knew of, including Jane (and myself). But somehow she found out about it. How? That’s not clear to me, but fact is she found out. She broke off the marriage and left Thornfield Hall, leaving Mr. Rochester in despair.
Who is this other wife? I am not certain of it, but I believe her name is Bertha. Bertha Mason. According to my source, she married Mr. Rochester in Jamaica. They married in a hurry, while they barely knew each other. For some reason Mr. Rochester didn’t want to have her as a wife anymore, or didn’t want people to know he had a wife, because he hid her at Thornfield Hall for a very long time. He did a good job, because for all those years, no one found out about Bertha. Rochester must have thought that he could marry Jane, because there was no risk of her finding out. But somehow she did find out about Bertha and left Thornfield Hall. This having great impact on Rochester.
Insiders say he has changed, not in a good way. He does not talk to people anymore, he can not sleep at night, he separates himself from everyone and locks himself up in his room for almost the whole day. This reminds us a bit of the old Mr. Rochester, doesn’t it? I don’t know if we should be happy about it.

How did Jane find out? Where did she go? Will she come back to Thornfield Hall? Will Mr. Rochester become his old, grumpy self again? I don’t know, but I will let you guys know as soon as I find out more about this case! If you have any information, don’t be scared to send me a message! I would be glad to hear anything you have to say. For now, I think I’ve informed you enough.

Gossip Girl

Note: my sources are reliable and prefer to stay anonymous. I hope you appreciate this. 

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